How Pinterest Can Get You More Targeted Website Traffic

How Pinterest Can Get You More Targeted Website Traffic

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How Pinterest Can Get You More Targeted Website Traffic

Another great way that you can promote your business and get more targeted website traffic is with Pinterest. Pinterest was started in 2010 and has become a catalog of the world’s ideas.

One year later, Pinterest became one of the top 10 largest social network services with a total of 11 million visits per week. Just one month later, the site had 11.7 million unique users, making it the fastest site in history to break the 10 million unique visitor point. By 2012, the site became the third largest social network, behind Twitter and Facebook, in the United States.

How To Use Pinterest To Grow Your Business

The social media platform has proven to be especially popular among women. According to research, 70 percent of the female audience in the United States accessed the website through the computer and spent an average of 90 minutes a month browsing the site. The most popular categories you can find on Pinterest are DIY and crafts, food and drink, women’s clothing, home décor, and travel.

However, having a particular strategy for your Pinterest activities will help you achieve better results. While this isn’t a recipe that needs to be followed precisely, the following suggestions can help you connect with others who have the same interests as you.

Create Pinboards That Include Keywords In The Title

Pinterest has terrific search capabilities. In order to bring even more people to your online backyard and learn about your business, you’ll want to include relevant keywords in the titles of your boards.

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You want to be sure that you choose a category for each of your pinboards, as well as utilizing the option for Pinterest to suggest your boards. This way you’ll be found much quicker and easier by your target audience. It is also essential that you don’t set your pinboards to private.

Describing Your Ideas

When writing the description for your boards, it is imperative that you utilize relevant keywords. You want to keep in mind that users can tweet and share your pins via Facebook, so by using keywords, your pins can be more easily searched on these other social media sites.

Plus, what you write in the description is what becomes the tweet, so you’ll need to keep the description brief, appealing, and relevant.

Chose Vertical Images To Make The Most Of Your Real Estate

In order to take up the most considerable amount of visual space, the images you add to Pinterest should be long and narrow. Look through the site and note what your favorite pins have in common and then apply the same techniques to your images.

You will be able to recognize the kinds of images that are most repined and shared. Most users don’t include a big image but have one that pins with every post. So, you want to have a pinnable image on each of the posts that you share.

Add Embed Pins On Your Blog/Website

A fresh and straightforward way to get more repins is to embed pins on your blog. To do this, you will need to create an embed code on your Pinterest account. Then tweet your pin or share them on your other social networks where you believe they will be relevant.

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Use Pins With Timetables In Mind

The most crucial new element that is now accessible on Pinterest is that you can plan all your Pinterest pins with Buffer from a single dashboard. Similarly, you can now plan pins to post reliably for the duration of the day.

You can share substance to Pinterest from the Buffer dashboard or from the Bugger program augmentations for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.

Utilize Rich Pins

In 2015, Pinterest introduced buyable pins that contain more information than a regular link. Rich pins allow users to buy things directly from other users that utilize this feature. With rich pins, users are able to see prices and select a particular product, choose the color or size, and whatever that specific product includes, and then press a button to buy the product.

There are five kinds of Rich Pins that you can take advantage of at the moment. They include movie, recipe, article, product, and place. Your business can advertise almost everything, and almost everything can be bought. Take the time to find your chosen Rich Pins and apply to get them.

If you’re not skilled, you can ask your site developer or site owner to help you get what you’re looking for.

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Create Bi-Weekly Posts

In regards to timing your pins, there really isn’t a bad time of day to post on Pinterest. With that being said, there are diverse subjects that unquestionably perform better on different days of the week. Pinterest shared some information on these connections a few years ago. Here’s a look at what individuals focus on and when so you can time your posts accordingly.

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• Monday: good aims start enthusiasm for wellness and wellbeing.
• Tuesdays: gadgets and new innovations are fairly popular posts.
• Wednesdays: motivational statements to help people get through the rest of the week.
• Thursday: fashion and design are the most popular posts.
• Friday: funny GIFs convey lighthearted elements for the week.
• Saturday: Vacations and travel posts.
• Sunday: food and specialty thoughts.

In addition, a recent study found that Saturdays, in general, are extraordinary in terms of posting new pins.

Create Mutual Pinboards

Collaborative boards can help you connect with a new group of interested users and allow your pins to be seen by a larger audience — no need to be careful about which boards to join since all the pins will show you on your Pinterest as well. If you are the owner of the group board, you can select the cover photo of your collaborative board.

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